Future challenges for Māori – He kōrero anamata
Future challenges for Māori – He kōrero anamata – by Selwyn Katene
This collection of edited seminar presentations from leading academics and professionals from law, medicine, business and the social sciences challenges our thinking on many fronts. The contributors draw on their research, knowledge and practical experience to address a variety of contemporary issues. Identity and self-determination, the environment, Māori language, education, social and economic issues, and governance and leadership are all explored. Throughout the book, Māori people, history, strengths, resources and circumstances are at the forefront.
Format: This book is a Paper back.
Language: This book is written in English
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About the Author:
Dr Selwyn Katene (Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāruahine, Ngāti Tama) is Assistant Vice-Chancellor Māori at Massey University and is the director of the MANU AO Academy, which was established to advance Māori academic leadership and scholorship across New Zealand universities. Prior to these positions, he worked in the health sector as general manager of the mental health commission, advisor to the Minister of Health and a senior manager in the Ministry of Health and Public Health Commission.
Other titles available by Dr Selwyn Katene:
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