Niho Taniwha: Improving teaching and learning for ākonga Māori
Niho Taniwha: Improving teaching and learning for ākonga Māori – by Melanie Riwai-Couch
Niho Taniwha equips educators with culturally responsive practices to better serve and empower Māori students and their whānau.
The book is centred around the Niho Taniwha model in which both the learner and the teacher move through three phases in the teaching and learning process: Whai, Ako and Mau.
Educational success for Māori students is about more than academic achievement – it includes all aspects of hauora (health and wellbeing). This book demonstrates how to create learning environments that encompass self-esteem, happiness and engagement in Māori language, identity and culture.
While Niho Taniwha presents challenging topics, the book has a practical focus that supports teachers in how to implement the model. Niho Taniwha will challenge and motivate the reader to improve their learning and teaching environment.
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About the Author:
Dr Melanie Riwai-Couch (Rangitāne o Wairau, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō) has worked for over two decades in the education sector as a teacher, a tumuaki at a kura kaupapa Māori, a senior advisor for iwi and the Ministry of Education, and an education consultant. Her experiences have provided her with an in-depth understanding of effective partnerships under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, issues of sovereignty for iwi, and how to help whānau find and use their voices in education. Dr Melanie Riwai-Couch has a Master of Education, a PhD from the University of Canterbury, and is a registered teacher.
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