Kua Whetūrangitia a Koro
Kua Whetūrangitia a Koro – nā Brianne Te Paa, Story Hemi-Morehouse ngā pikitia
Ko te hōtoke te wā, ka whakarite a Koro rāua ko tana mokopuna ki te whakamānawa i te rewatanga mai o Matariki. Ka taka rāua i ngā momo kai kia hari atu ai ki te maunga i te atapō. Kātahi te tama ka ako i ngā akoranga a pā ana ki te kaihautū o Te Waka o Rangi, nāna i hao ngā wairua o ngā tāngata kua riro, nāna anō i tuku atu ki te rangi hei whetū.
Ka pahure ake te tau kotahi, ā, i mua tata atu i te rewatanga mai o Matariki, ka mate ohorere a Koro.
Ināianei, mā te tama tonu e whakaatu ki tana whānau i ngā tikanga Matariki, ā, ko te karanga atu i tō Koro ingoa kia tahuri ai ia hei whetū.
A young boy learns about the customs around celebrating Matariki from his grandfather. They watch the stars from the top of a mountain, prepare their offering of food for the gods, and the boy learns about Te Waka o Rangi and the tradition of calling out the names of loved ones who have passed away so that they can become stars.
Just before Matariki the following year, the boy’s Koro suddenly dies. He gathers and prepares the food offering and asks each family member to come with him up the mountain when Matariki is due to rise, but they all make excuses, and he is disheartened. But when he tells them what Koro taught him, they all climb the mountain before sunrise, follow the rituals Koro carried out and call out Koro’s name so that he can become a star.
Format: This book is a Paper back.
Language: This book is written in te reo Māori.
The English version is available here: How my koro became a star
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About the Author:
Brianne Te Paa (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Kahu, Ngā Puhi, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Te Aitanga a Mahaki and Te Whanau a Apanui) is an Assistant Principal at Kaipara College. She has a Bachelor of Education and a Diploma in Te Pinakitanga ki Te Reo Kairangi.
About the Illustrator:
Story Hemi-Morehouse (Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Toa Rangatira) is an award winning illustrator and animation designer. She has worked as an illustrator internationally for over 5 years. Story was born in Aotearoa but moved to Australia when she was young.
Other books illustrated by Story Hemi-Morehouse include:
The greatest haka festival on earth
The reo Māori version Mokopuna Matatini
How my Koro became a star and the reo Māori version Kua whetūrangitia a Koro
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