Te hipo huna
Te hipo huna – Nā Juliette Maclver rāua ko Sarah Davis, Nā Karena Kelly i whakamāori
A te reo Māori edition of this deft and delightful tale (That’s not a hippopatamus), packed with word play and madcap energy.
Me uaua nē, e `whae
te hipohipo ngaro ai!
Mei kore mātou ko aku hoa,
ngā aruaru hipo toa!
In That’s Not a Hippopotamus, A class trip to the zoo descends into a chaotic hunt for the missing hippopotamus. Teacher, zookeeper and all the children join the search. The noise and drama reach a pitch, and no one thinks to listen to quiet Liam.
Format: This book is a Paperback
Language: This book is written in te reo Māori
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About the Translator:
Dr Karena Kelly (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine) is a specialist in Māori language and linguistics – teaching into a variety of Māori language forum, including regional and national kura reo, and providing strategic and linguistic advice to organisations throughout New Zealand.
Other books Karena has translated to Māori available at Poi Princess include:
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