Pronounce Māori with confidence (Book & CD)
Pronounce Māori with confidence An Easy Guide (Book & CD) – By Hoani Niwa
At last there is no need to be fearful About using Māori words. This book and CD set gives the basics of how to pronounce Māori correctly while teaching a little of the language to be used in everyday life.
No prior knowledge love Māori is required to use this book. All you need is to take on board a few simple rules and then apply them. The CD-ROM – playable on audio and viewable on computer – supports the book at every step and presents the correct pronunciation as a model for your own practice.
Pronounce Māori with confidence explains:
- The Māori alphabet
- Pronunciation of each letter
- Syllables
- Stress
- Commonly mipronounced words
- Pronunciation for frequently used words, including the names of the people, places and tribes
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‘In Pronounce Māori with confidence, Hoani Niwa guides the student through the basics of pronunciation in a manner that is both instructive and non-threatening.’ The Honourable Dame Silvia Cartwright Governor-General of New Zealand.
’10 out of 10′ Northern Advocate
‘A superb resource for anyone wanting to speak Māori’ Southland Times
Hoani Niwa is of Te Atiawa (Taranaki) descent and now lives in West Auckland. A former army officer, he is kaumatua to the Citizen’s Advice Bureaux of New Zealand, a role in which he has introduced language skills and Māori protocol to staff up and down the country.
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