Te Marae A guide to Customs and Protocol
Te Marae a guide to Customs and Protocol – By Hiwi and Pat Tauroa
Do women have the right to speak on the marae? How should one respond to the wero? Who speaks first and last during whai kōrero? When do the manuhiri present their koha to the tangata whenua? These and many other questions are answered in this invaluable introduction to Māori protocol.
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Hiwi and Pat Tauroa outline the sequence of events that begins when visitors arrive at the gates of a marae and ends with their departure. Appropriate behaviour is described at each stage; the spiritual background is explained; and a selection of waiata (songs), karakia (prayers) and mihi (greetings) are provided for the visitor who wishes to make correct responses. There is also a moving personal account of the marae that have played an important role in Hiwi Tauroa’s life.
Hiwi Tauroa was born in Okaiawa, Taranaki, of Ngapuhi descent on his father’s side and Ngai Tahu and English descent on his mothers. From 1980 until 1986 he held the position of Race Relations Conciliator.
Pat Tauroa was born and raised in Otangaroa, Northland. Her mother’s ancestors are Ngapuhi and Rarawa, and her father’s Irish and Scottish. She has taught Māori language from primary to bursary level and is actively involved in Māori cultural activities, especially those centred on marae.
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