The survival of Māori as a people
The survival of Māori as a people – Whatarangi Winiata and Daphne Luke
This collection of twenty-five papers by Professor Whatarangi Winiata and co-authors given over the last forty years, comment on Māori spirituality, social development, education and political affairs.
They cover Professor Winiata’s experiences of and thinking about reengineering the working of the Hahi Mihinare; driving the iwi development programme Whakatupuranga Rua Mano, which led to the foundation of the first contemporary whare wānanga; galvanising the New Zealand Māori Council to hold the Crown accountable over fisheries, forestry, language and broadcasting; and co-founding the Māori Party with Dame Tariana Turia and Sir Pita Sharples.
The papers are organised into themes of iwi Māori, Mātauranga Māori, tino rangatiratanga, and the survival and wellbeing of Māori people.
Format: This book is a Paper back.
Language: This book is written in English.
Published: June 2022.
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About the Authors:
Dr Whatarangi Winiata (Ngāti Raukawa) is Te Ahorangi o Ngā Purutanga Mauri at Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki and was the founder of this wānanga, which was Aotearoa New Zealand’s first contemporary wānanga. He has contributed sixty years of advocacy on behalf of Māori people, including thirty years with Te Hahi Mihingare, fifteen years with the New Zealand Māori Council and being the inaugural president of the Māori Party. Dr Winiata is a Waitangi Tribunal claimant, researcher, writer, lecturer and governor and has spent seventy years advancing the interests of Ngāti Pareraukawa and Ngāti Raukawa.
Daphne Luke (Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Kahungunu) is a professional director and trustee, kaupapa Māori researcher and writer, and a Māori wellbeing and economic development practitioner. She is currently undertaking a PhD at Massey University investigating the contribution of kaupapa Māori frameworks to the survival of Māori as a people and monitoring and measuring wellbeing of Māori communities using He Oranga Hapori model.
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